

is Lizzy simpson's work really art?



By placing something into the special frame of a gallery or by moving something into the everyday world outside the gallery where it is incongruous, Lizzy makes people aware of that something in relation to the place it's in and what is surrounding it. This focuses new meanings for the viewer.

In Lizzy's case  for instance, bringing something like snails or mosquito larvae into the gallery prompts discussion. With some text alongside for example, facts, stories or poems, people start to make previously unthought-of connections regarding their relationship with these creatures. This process creates new connections.


If this is difficult to grasp please refer to the question below 'What is Art'




what is art?

This is a very good and commonly asked question. A definitive answer is yet to become apparent. A good way of answering this curly one would be to say there are many different (and equally valid) ideas of what art is. I think a good place to start investigating this question would be to google 'art' and look at wikipedia.

Many people discuss this question at length and there are many publications titled "What is Art?"

For Lizzy art is a way of making sense of the world around her and imagining other ways of being. In collecting things and organising them into immersive and interactive spaces she is driven to bring these disparate things to the viewer in a way that resonates and speaks of her world and other possible futures.




what does it all mean?

Again, this is a very good and commonly asked question. A definitive answer is yet to become apparent. A good way of answering this curly one would be to say there are many different (and equally valid) ideas of what Lizzy's work means.

There are many things that drive Lizzy to make her installations, videos, paintings etc. Some of these drivers are concerns about ecology particularly water, how we as humans are just one small story amongst other small stories that exist, how all these things interact, interconnect and are dependent upon one another, ubiquitous change, love and loss, how humans value things especially things considered unfavourably such as weeds and pests, histories and natural history,  art and art history, fun, play, and family to name a few.

Lizzy welcomes discourse regarding her work so if there are any further questions or enquiries please contact her via email.